Shamey Metalcraft
Hobo Nickels For Sale ... cont'd (page 2)

Description:   #151   'Igor'

     An exceptionally deep carving depicting Dr. Frankenstein's helper Igor, piercing eyes, shaggy beard and an inlayed 24kt gold tooth. In the background on either side of the figure is an engraved and inlayed 'Tesla coil' with 24kt gold balls shooting electric waves at each other, what every monster lab had to have.

Price:     SOLD

Description:  #164   'The Princess'

     A deep relief carving with engraving, inlaying and stone setting thrown in to create an elaborately beautiful young woman resplendent in her engraved and inlayed 24kt gold necklace with a faceted diamond set in front of her elaborate headwear. The host coin for this carving is a wonderful 1913 type 2 full horn buffalo .

Price:    SOLD

Description:   #167     'Three Face Buffalo'

     This is another exercise in extreme low relief character carving. If you compare it with another original buffalo nickel, you will note how much of the surface of the buffalo has remained but been transformed into parts of the three characters lightly relieved in the animals body.


Price:     SOLD

Description:  #165   'Buffalo Hunter'

     A comical use of part of the original design depicting a buffalo hunter packing out a trophy full horn buffalo head for mounting back home.

     And it's always uphill.

Price:       SOLD
Description:   #159   'The General'

     A wise and deeply saddened old man wearing the horned headgear of rank standing before one of his catapults ready to fire a 24kt gold ball inlaid into the weapons cup.

Price:       SOLD
Description:  #153     'The Pharaoh

     A heavily textured headdress and boarder breaking  beard contrast with the soft, deeply carved features of the Egyptian Pharaoh in deep meditation with an inlaid 24kt ankh , the Egyptian symbol of life.


Price:     SOLD

Description:   #121      'Hobo On  A Fish'

     A very comical fantasy carving of a hobo complete with a bowler hat is hitching a ride on a very large fish which he is steering with finely detailed reins.

Price   SOLD

Description:  #117      'Alien'

     A peaceful traditional gray alien head with two shooting stars falling to earth and a flying saucer taking off in the background, the date 1928 is also on the side of another detailed spacecraft.

Price:     SOLD
Description:   #114   'Abe'

     A very deeply carved relief of Abraham  as he looks down from the seat in the Lincoln Memorial.

Price:     SOLD
Description:  #95      'Grumpy'

     A very deeply relieved profile of a grumpy old man wearing a highly detailed knit sailors cap carved from the body of the buffalo.

Price:     SOLD

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